中国人寿保险股份有限公司邵武市支公司总经理 胡敏 请 INVITATION 诚挚邀请 尊敬的国寿星级贵宾 诚 挚 邀 请 您 参 加 总经理荣誉宴 您是国寿三星级以上的忠实客户,见证和陪伴了国寿的一路成长。目前中国人寿已经成为全球服务客户最多、市值最高的寿险公司,成为国内综合实力最强、品牌价值最优的金融保险集团。一路走来,国寿成绩的取得离不开您的支持,中国人寿也不断致力于构建更好的服务体系,回馈广大星级客户。 2024年将至,我们将于邵武宾馆举行《国寿星级贵宾总经理荣誉宴》,我们真诚期待您的到来。 China’s biggest insurance company is holding a VIP banquet, and we invite you to join us! You are one of our top clients, and your loyalty has helped us grow over the years. We've become the world's largest life insurance company by customer base and market value. Our brand value is also the highest in the industry. We're grateful for your support and promise to deliver better services in the future. Join us at the Meishan Grand Hotel on March 25th, 2024, as we celebrate our VIP clients with a special banquet. Please RSVP by March 15th. Thank you for your loyalty! China's biggest insurance company is holding a VIP banquet, and we invite you to join us! You are one of our top clients, and your loyalty has helped us grow over the years. We've become the world's largest life insurance company by customer base and market value. Our brand value is also the highest in the industry. We're grateful for your support and promise to deliver better services in the future. Join us at the Meishan Grand Hotel on March 25th, 2024, as we celebrate our VIP clients with a special banquet. Please RSVP by March 15th. Thank you for your loyalty!