We are honored to invite you to attend the "洞见时代·守护财富"华泰人寿无锡中支高端客户私享会 on December 23rd, 2023. Our team will bring you the latest financial news and insights from our financial experts, while also providing you with a range of drinks to help you relax and chat about life.
The event will feature a live presentation by our financial experts, followed by a Q&A session with the organization's leadership. In addition, we will have a range of other interactive activities to keep you entertained, including a relaxed drinks and food experience, followed by a presentation on the latest financial news and regulations.
We look forward to your attendance and期待与您在无锡富力喜来登酒店2号厅共赴盛宴!
洞察时代 守护财富——华泰人寿无锡中支高端客户私享会