I can still hear the song of the wind The Moment. 惜春去春痕 蓦然回首 明眸转溪流兀然拭泪 流月镀长沟夜降桂霜 冰雾饰远岫玉壶心 为君丢烟雨江南暮暮几多愁遍地黄花人消瘦只叹雕栏画楼 风月还如旧物是人非事事休 I never back will be say good-bye The moon can never see again 新年快乐 HAPPY NEW YEAR2015. This work was created using the online design platform eqxiu.com, which offers a wide range of templates for rapid production. The user's ability to create this complex and beautiful piece is a testament to the power and flexibility of eqxiu's tools.