Happy Birthday to my 16th year! Thank you for your attention and care, and for your invitation to my party. We're having a great time together! Please come to my party on March 3rd at 18:00 at the First Medical Center in康美镇东旭村. If you're lost, please contact my parents.
Happy Birthday to me! As I enter my 16th year, it's an important day to纪念 with you. Our lives have become多彩多姿 with you by my side. You have been an important part of my journey, and every day with you is a甜蜜的回忆.
You're the one who makes our days colorful, and I'm so grateful for your presence. Every day with you is a happy one, and I'm so excited to see what the future holds.
十六岁,是真正的花季,有思考、有幻想、有天真、有成熟,真为你拥有这样的季节高兴,让所有美好的语言都化成我的祝福吧! I'm turning 16, and this is an important day to celebrate! Please come to my party and have fun!