save the date, 2023/11/17, 11:58 am, in the 4th floor of the槿阁 at the华益卡伊洛斯酒店 in延吉.
It's a moment of our life that is most important to you and your family, so we invite you to share in this happiness with us and见证 this special moment.
You and I are the best version of love, warmth and understanding, and we will spend the rest of our lives together, watching the sun set on the花海.
You are with me, and I'm with you, and " Thank you" and "祝福" are just a few words to express our love for each other.
save the date, 2023/11/17, 11:58 am, in the 4th floor of the槿阁 at the华益卡伊洛斯酒店 in延吉.
2023年11月17日,金星希与金龙海结婚 关键词: 婚姻、save the date、延吉、华益卡伊洛斯酒店、木槿阁、幸福、爱情、温暖、彼此、余生、日落花海、家人、见证、祝福、时间、地点 标签: ...