Happy Women's Day!
On March 7th, 2021,赤峰福兴东方精品酒店工会组织全体女职工开展了“心悦女神节”庆祝“三八”国际妇女节主题活动。 The event started with a powerful speech by the hotel's management team.
In part 1, a game was played, and in part 2, a抽奖环节 was held, where each女同事 wrote down her own dream for a better life and was randomly selected to be chosen for the lucky winner.
In the end, all the female employees were recognized and given beautiful prizes.
The event also brought together all the female employees and provided them with a sense of belonging and happiness.
Finally, we had a beautiful group photo, which记录下了这一温馨美好的时刻, as well as a powerful moment of recognition and celebration for all the female employees, who worked hard and dedicated their lives to their craft.
On this special day, we celebrate the women who make our world a better place, and we express our gratitude to all the women who continue to work tirelessly in the fields, being the“whip” of society.
Finally, we wish all the female employees a Happy Women's Day, and we express our gratitude for their hard work and dedication.
心悦女神节,赤峰酒店工会为女员工庆祝 摘要:为庆祝第114个“三八”国际妇女节,赤峰福兴东方精品酒店工会组织全体女职工开展了“心悦女神节”庆祝“三八”国际妇女节主题活动。活动中,酒店总经理韩明艳女士向...