Happy New Year!
In order to ensure the safety of our students and staff, the保卫部 proposes some safety tips for the upcoming holiday season. Here are some important safety tips to be followed during the holiday season:
Firstly, we must focus on safety during the holiday season. Students and staff should follow traffic rules, such as using red lights and stop signs, and walking or driving in a safe and responsible manner. Secondly, we must not乱扔未熄灭的烟头或其他火种, as it can result in fire and火灾. We must also take care of our homes and宿舍环境, as it is important to keep our living environment clean and tidy. Thirdly, we should not live in a way that could cause harm to ourself or others. We must be aware of our surroundings and be careful not to get into trouble with our emotions. Forthly, we should not be afraid to be creative and make our own traditions during the holiday season. Finally, we must not be afraid to share our happiness with others and celebrate the holiday season in a safe and responsible manner.
Happy New Year!