Discover the rich narrative of '707's Three-Lives Vow' H5, meticulously crafted by Eqxiu, the leading online design platform. This engaging piece celebrates the evolution of Secoo, a renowned luxury brand, from its inception in 2008 to its remarkable milestones. Embark on a journey through time as we revisit the pivotal years of 2009 and 2011, where Secoo laid the foundation for its luxury services with the establishment of a national authority on luxury goods authentication and a state-of-the-art luxury maintenance center. Experience the luxury of personalized services and the dedication to preserving the soul of each item with their金牌物流管家 service. The journey continues with the launch of in 2012, offering an all-inclusive luxury platform and the expansion into new markets with the opening of Shanghai and Chengdu's luxury clubs. In 2013, the website was fully renovated, introducing a car channel for an even richer shopping experience. By 2014, Secoo had expanded internationally with the opening of its Hong Kong luxury club. Each stage of Secoo's growth is captured in this visually stunning and emotionally resonant H5, showcasing the brand's commitment to excellence and unparalleled service.