Mr. and Mrs. 林源 have a love story that is timeless. Their love has been pure and true, and it has been an inspiration to many.
"Love is a forever bond, but love is a never-ending fairy tale". This is the message that Mr. and Mrs. 林源 share with each other.
They have been together for more than 20 years, and now, they have decided to share their life with each other. They have chosen to spend their remaining years together, laughing, enjoying life, and一起度过一生.
Their love has been tested, but through it all, they have remained true to each other. Mr. and Mrs. 林源 want to make it last forever, and they want you to be a part of their happy life.
They have set a date for their special moment, and they invite you to be a part of their happy future. Join them on this special day, and be a part of their love story.
The date is: 2024年1月18日(新历)。The address is:广东省廉江市长山镇乌坵园村(旧历)。The event is held at 11:30 am on that date.
In感谢, Mr. and Mrs. 林源 invite you to be a part of their special moment, to见证他们的幸福时刻, to be a part of their happy future.
They are a true love story, and they will always be an inspiration to us all. We are honored to have you as a guest, and we hope that you will be able to share in our happiness.
With love,
林源与余芳的爱情故事 摘要:爱,是恒久的陪伴;爱你,是永远未完待续的童话。两个人将余生交给了彼此,互相陪伴,共度一生。他们诚邀您参加他们的婚礼,一起见证他们的幸福时刻。时间:新历2024年1月18日;...