Discover the wonders of the world with 'My Travel', an exquisite H5 travel exploration project crafted with the intuitive online design platform by Eqxiu ( This engaging interactive experience takes you on a virtual journey to diverse destinations across the globe. Explore the scenic beauty of the Danube in Germany, the majestic Alps in Italy, and the charming landscapes of Ontario in America. Venture into the vast Arctic region of Russia and Skandinavien in Norway, or delve into the historical significance of Diaoyu Island in China and Wales in Great Britain. Each location is vividly captured in the H5, offering an immersive experience. The beauty of 'My Travel' lies in its versatility and ease of creation, thanks to Eqxiu’s extensive library of templates that enable users to quickly and effortlessly bring their travel visions to life. Unleash your creativity and share your travel adventures with the world using Eqxiu’s powerful online design tools.
My travel