save the date, the bride is 李英实, the Groom is 李正国。
this is the most important moment in our lives, and we invite you and your family to share in this happiness with us.
you and I are the最美好的样子 of love, and we will spend the rest of our lives together, enjoying the sunset and花海.
you are with me, and I am with you.
" Thank you," and "祝福" are for you and your family, and we will期待 your光临 at the location on the三楼东侧 of the喜乐会婚礼酒店 in the喜悦厅 on 2023年10月04日 at 11:58.
李英实与李正国婚礼 关键词:李英实,李正国,婚礼,save the date,延吉市,万达广场,喜悦厅,时间,地点,爱情,温暖,余生,日落花海,亲人,光临。