welcome to attend the第四届“启点青年创客计划”项目选拔暨启点汇·中小企业数字化转型发展论坛 on 9th September 2023 at the北交金科企业孵化器(成都)有限公司 in锦晖西一街99号1座2单元2楼, our website will be live-streamed online. The event will be held in both线上线下 mode and will be conducted by several companies, including the重庆启点数字经济研究院,成都唤醒与带动公益服务中心,北交金科企业孵化器(成都)有限公司,启点投资(海南)有限公司,四川松鸿企业管理咨询有限公司 and四川启点汇创新科技发展有限公司. The first part of the event will feature a keynote speech by a嘉宾, followed by the颁发 of "启点青年创客计划"第四批入选项目证书, investment awards, and partnership and construction仪式. The second part of the event will include showcase of projects,的主题分享, and a round table discussion.