愛是万物Love is all.爱是灵魂至萃Love is the beauty of the soul.爱是自由意志的沉论Love is the fall of free will.爱是长在我们心里的藤蔓Love is a vine that growa into our hearts. 余生渺渺,只想牵你的手从天光乍晓到暮雪白头We are here to rest our love for each other from the start of the morning to the end of the sunset. 新娘:王世菁 余生渺渺,只想牵你的手从天光乍晓到暮雪白头 We are here to rest our love for each other from the start of the morning to the end of the sunset. 新郎:董沅鑫 余生渺渺,只想牵你的手从天光乍晓到暮雪白头 We are here to rest our love for each other from the start of the morning to the end of the sunset. 世界上最幸福的事大概就是和心中挚爱一起长厢厮守The most happy thing in life is to be together with someone you love for a long time感谢命运的安排让我们相遇也许是命中注定也许是缘分的指引让我们在茫茫人海相遇我们看到了最好的对方也成为了最好的自己 We are honored to call each other by name and have been together for a long time today. 今天我们结婚啦! We are honored to call each other by name and have been together for a long time today. 是世界上最幸福的事大概就是和心中挚爱一起长厢厮守和心中挚爱在一起是最美好的人生旅程我们彼此相爱,从相遇到相爱是我们一生中最美好的回忆感谢命运让我们相遇让我们在茫茫人海中相遇让我们拥有彼此我们的爱情将永远持续下去我们在这里向您呈现婚礼仪式的盛情邀请您的到来,共同见证我们人生中最浪漫的时刻 - 敬备喜酌 诚 邀 光 临 - 地址:七里河区万寿宫·9号楼1号厅 期待您参加婚礼
董沅鑫 & 王世菁 | 万寿宫·9号楼1号厅