Happy New Year!
We are writing to you today to invite you to our annual New Year's Day庙会. As we get ready to celebrate the new year, we want to share with you some of the most important traditions and customs of the Chinese New Year.
One of the most important customs is the "人间烟火" - the people's lifeline. This is a time for us to gather with our loved ones, share stories, and experience the hustle and bustle of the holiday. We also appreciate the "吉祥如意" - the good luck and prosperity that come from good wishes.
The庙会 will be held on December 29th from 07:50-08:20 and will be open to both inside and outside interests. We will have a年味十足的年货大街, where you can find traditional Chinese年货, such as sweet and sour pickles, hotpot soup, and scallion oil painting, as well as many other items that are unique to the Chinese countryside.
We also want to encourage everyone to have a fun and creative time together, and to share their ideas and concepts, which will make the experience even more enjoyable. We will have various activities such as children's activities, food stalls, and performance shows.
In addition, we will also have a寿光•印记奇思「庙」想童趣「会」集活动, where we will be showcasing the unique customs and traditions of寿光市, such as the sentryentry custom, the Qingming Festival, and the famous local food.
The庙会 address is located at the De润绿城幼儿园, and the opening time is from 08:00-13:00 on December 29th. For those who are outside the school, we suggest穿着传统的或带有“年味儿”的服饰,佩戴红色口罩, and绿色出行, if you are driving. We also encourage everyone to follow the safety rules, such as having a秩序, to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience, and to not be too much in a group.
This is a very important time for us to appreciate the beauty of nature and to appreciate the customs and traditions of the Chinese New Year. We hope that everyone can have a great time and enjoy the unique experience of this festival.
最后, we hope that everyone can have a happy and harmonious New Year, and we wish everyone a new year of good luck, prosperity, and happiness!
Best regards,
The De润绿城幼儿园管理团队