Save the date, 2023/10/01 at 11:58 in the building on the 5th floor of Cai澜轩 in Beijing, @远玥姝 @辛成宽 .
This is the most important moment in our lives, and we would like to invite you and your family to join us and celebrate this special occasion with us.
We are love at its best, warmth and compassion for each other, and we will spend the rest of our lives together, traveling by the sunset ocean, taking in the beauty of the flowers.
You will be with us, you will be by our side.
" Thank you," "祝福" and期待着 your visit, save the date, 2023/10/01 at 11:58 in the building on the 5th floor of Cai澜轩 in Beijing.
远玥姝和辛成宽的婚礼 关键词:远玥姝,辛成宽,婚礼, save the date, 主题:幸福的时刻,爱情最美好的样子,温暖彼此,余生共度,日落花海,亲人,延吉市卡伊洛斯大酒店,5楼,碧涵轩, sav...