Happy New Year!
On this special occasion, I would like to extend my wishes to all of you, who are working hard to create a better future for our country.
2023 was a challenging year for everyone, but we refused to give up and continue to work hard. We are all together to achieve our goals and create a better future.
In the航空业, we focus on safety and quality, and we strive to create a better environment for our旅客 and the industry as a whole. We have implemented new measures to improve safety, such as the“安全生产月”活动 and the“优秀班组”称号.
In addition, we have also expanded our operations to include more航线 and connections, and we have created new ways to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of our operations. We have also supported and统筹各类人才交流培训100余人次.
As we approach the new year, we are still working on many issues, but we believe that with the support of our company, we can overcome these challenges and create a better future for ourselves and our旅客.
I hope that we can continue to work together and create a better life for all of us. New Year, new beginning, new hope and new beginnings!