2023年11月29日,我们诚邀您莅临蜜蜜购佛山仓(第三分仓)开业典礼!我们回顾了半年来的不断努力和突破,在您的支持和关注下,我们再次向前迈进,实现了我们的目标。我们致力于开发产地直供路线,减少中间商,为农户福利门店,同时也为顾客提供新鲜、优质的商品。在开业典礼上,我们 will show you the goods stored in our third floor at the佛山仓, and we will also invite you to participate in our new store opening ceremony on November 29th. At the ceremony, we will also discuss with you and our customers, as well as show you how to participate in our business and be with us on the road.
蜜蜜购佛山仓开业典礼邀请莅临指导 时间:2023年11月29日