Discover the story of Weishi Group with this engaging H5 introduction created using the online design platform Eqxiu. This interactive H5 showcases the rich history of Weishi Group, established in 1976 with headquarters in Linhai, Zhejiang Province. It highlights the diverse industries the company is involved in, including clothing accessories, new building materials, real estate, water and electricity, and financial investment. Weishi Shenzhen Industrial Park, one of the nine industrial parks of the group, is located in Guanlan, Shenzhen, and operates two enterprises: Shenzhen Lianda Button Co., Ltd. and Shenzhen Lieming Clothing Accessories Co., Ltd. Known as the designated manufacturer of buttons and zippers for the uniforms of over 30 administrative, judicial, and public institutions in China, Weishi Shenzhen Industrial Park boasts an impressive 70% of its products exported to countries like Europe, America, Japan, Southeast Asia, and more, with a growth rate of 30% annually. This H5, crafted with the powerful and versatile Eqxiu platform, allows users to explore the brand and product offerings of Weishi Shenzhen Industrial Park, including the SAB brand, its main products, and sales structure. With Eqxiu's wide range of templates, creating such a professional and informative H5 is fast and efficient.