Thank you for your participation in the容恩医美全新旗舰店发布会 on November 22, 2023, in the湖南省长沙市岳麓区环湖路与连湖8路交汇处达美·寰宇中心营销中心.
In the 14th year of our journey,容恩医美 has been challenging the market with innovative and颠覆传统的 policies. At this end of the year, we gather with our colleagues to celebrate and take a stand, taking on a new role as a leader in the industry, building a brand new image with a unique style that represents the future of our business.
The future of our industry is facing unprecedented challenges, and we must transform to create a new model, implement a new set of policies, and正规化、合法化、规范化, to create a new and innovative market. We invite all our colleagues to join us in this journey to revolutionize the industry and building a new future together.
We would like to thank you for your participation in the launch of the容恩医美 new store on November 22, 2023, in the湖南省长沙市岳麓区环湖路与连湖8路交汇处达美·寰宇中心营销中心.
容恩医美全新旗舰店发布会 关键词: 品牌升级、实力打造新风貌、颠覆传统、变革市场新模式、重磅出击、缔造行业新标杆、聚势赋能、引领医美新时代、选址升级、法式建筑、心之所栖、空间美学、法式轻奢、雅致生活...