Discover the heartwarming story of 'From Dolphin', a beautifully crafted H5 work by Eqxiu, the leading online design platform. This work, titled 'I can still hear the song of the wind - A Letter to Jiaer (Part Two)', is a touching expression of longing and love in a long-distance relationship. Written by the narrator, the letter is a sincere apology and a declaration of affection, detailing the unexpected rediscovery of a strong emotional connection. The story unfolds as the narrator shares their journey to Hunan, where they were reminded of their love by the change in their weather app's location. Despite the challenges of being apart, the narrator cherishes the moments of hope and connection they share with Jiaer. With Eqxiu's intuitive design tools and extensive template library, anyone can create such a heartfelt piece quickly and easily.