Explore the delightful and imaginative world of Lu Yucheng's summer vacation, brought to life with the help of Eqxiu's online design platform. This engaging H5 piece showcases the joy and creativity of a child's summer adventures at BangBei Lego, featuring a vibrant little house with a beautiful fence, leisurely strolling animals, and an eye-catching basketball court. The child takes pride in their DIY basketball court and sturdy swing, constructed with their own screwdriver skills. The digital maze offers an intricate, eye-popping challenge, while the pipe relay race adds excitement with rolling balls. The magical house that can stand on its head and the long Y-shaped bridge built in collaboration are highlights of the journey. The content is a testament to the endless creativity and innovative thinking that Eqxiu's platform enables, fostering early technology education for a future-ready generation. Contact: 0523-86830366, Address:万达金街J106.快乐来自于零存整取的创意,创意无限,棒贝呈现,科技启蒙,领先未来。This H5 piece, crafted with Eqxiu's powerful online design tools, provides a quick and efficient way to create captivating and interactive content, leveraging a vast library of templates to bring any vision to life.