庆祝优丽莎品牌一周年,特推出H5红酒晚宴邀请函。由易企秀在线设计平台提供,快速制作,模板丰富。诚挚邀请贾冬参加本次感恩庆典,共同回顾一路同行的美好时光。活动现场将有钜惠豪礼相送,期待您的光临。优丽莎1周年答谢晚宴将于2019年10月13日在东胜区举行。Thank you for traveling all the way. Keep forgetting your first intention and move on. On your way to beauty, we've been around you all the time. Beauty is not lacking in the world. Explore future trends with Juliesa Anniversary Celebration. Looking forward to your arrival at the 1st anniversary thank-you banquet of Juliesa on October 13, 2019, in Dongsheng District.