Please from SEO perspective, create a introduction for eysui user generated works that are H5 product category, title is CVCe-long vowel aiou sound word spelling test-10-2, description is blank, and work content is listening ability to spell game. Please play the chess game to listen and spell the words. Check The Answer. Please ask if you spelled it correctly? No Yes NEXT Listen & Spell. Please click on each letter or word phonetics ? e ? l ? a Please take above blocks to spell out the listened word Check The Answer. Please ask if you spelled it correctly? e ? l ? a ? s ? No Yes NEXT Listen & Spell. Please click on each letter or word phonetics to spell out the listened word Check The Answer. Please ask if you spelled it correctly? e ? l ? o ? s ? No Yes NEXT Listen & Spell. Please click on each letter or word phonetics to spell out the listened word Check The Answer. Please ask if you spelled it correctly? e ? l ? i ? t ? No Yes NEXT Listen & Spell. Please take above blocks to spell out the listened word Check The Answer. Please ask if you spelled it correctly?