Welcome to attend the "世界记忆冠军团队"见面会!
The见面会 is organized by 中国农业银行南海盐步支行 and aimed at teaching children the correct methods of memory training. The event is dedicated to promoting the education of children and the development of their cognitive abilities.
During the event, we will receive guidance on the correct way to learn and remember new information, including the 8,000+知识点 and记忆点 that children need to learn throughout high school. We will also learn how to effectively train memory and improve our cognitive abilities, including the use of effective memory techniques for children 8-15 years old.
The event will be held on January 25th at the保利洲际酒店 12楼南海农行私人银行部, and we will be able to participate in discussions and workshops with world-renowned记忆大师,教练,和儿童脑力潜能开发专家.
We will be able to learn about the following topics:
- 期中复习How to effectively train memory in the middle school year
- 专注力提高 如何保持专注,完成作业不拖拉,助力考试提分
- 英语记忆秘诀 如何轻松记忆考纲要求的1600个单词
- 思维导图的使用和满分作文的撰写方法
- 记忆技巧和方法 for learning and remembering math and science公式,背诵考点
- 专家面对面交流与答疑
Overall, this event is a must- attend opportunity for us to learn and improve our memory and cognitive abilities. We will be able to meet and interact with world-renowned记忆大师,教练, and experts in the field of cognitive development, and gain valuable insights and knowledge.