Explore the fascinating journey of computers with this engaging H5 presentation created using Eqxiu's online design platform. The work titled 'THE HISTORY OF COMPUTERS' showcases cutting-edge medical technology from Siemens, specifically the ARCADIS Orbic 3D C-arm system. This unique system features a 190-degree scanning range with an all-around coverage, making it the only one capable of in-surgery CT scanning, ensuring precision in surgical procedures, particularly in orthopedic, trauma, and spinal surgery. The ARCADIS Orbic 3D boasts an isocentric design, electrically scanning up to 190 degrees, providing real-time 3D tomographic images during surgery, guaranteeing safety. It also seamlessly connects with mainstream navigation systems, such as UNIVAC. The UNIVAC I, the first American computer designed for business and administrative purposes, marks a significant milestone in computing history. This Eqxiu-powered H5 invites you to delve into the evolution of technology and its applications in healthcare. Check it out now and experience the power of Eqxiu's online design tools to create stunning digital content!