Discover the charming story of a group of friends, featuring a little dog, a mosquito, celery, and Xiao Cui, all depicted in the warmth of summer, the coolness of autumn, the chill of winter, and the blooming of spring. This H5, titled 'That Four', captures the nostalgia of youthful escapades, playful moments, and the carefree spirit of those days. Despite not being together, the bond remains unbroken, symbolized by the desire for a rainbow on one side and a black and white combination on the other. The phrase 'to fly together in fun' encapsulates their camaraderie. The promise to reunite in wedding gowns adds a sweet touch to their enduring friendship. This tale of the 'Six Thirty Four Mischievous Ones' unfolds in a red house, beautifully crafted using the powerful online design tools provided by Eqxiu, offering a wide range of templates for quick and easy creation.